funny bedtime stories for your girlfriend

11 Funny Bedtime Stories For Your Girlfriend To Make Her Laugh

funny bedtime stories for your girlfriend

How good are you at telling stories? You will be surprised at how many people fail to get this answer. The truth is that only a few people excel at storytelling, but it is a skill that one can quickly hone. Luckily, thanks to the internet, you can easily find and choose stories to present. Among the most requested are the funny bedtime stories for your girlfriend, which you can use on various occasions.

The key to storytelling depends on various factors like an engaging plot, vivid descriptions, relatable characters and originality. As a storyteller, you want to weave a narrative that not only amuses but also conveys a message. So, whether it’s the story of love insecurities or a cute old couple who forget they are married, there’s always a funny bedtime story for your girlfriend, guaranteed to make her laugh and love.

Funny bedtime stories for your girlfriend

If you are in a relationship where you have seemingly done it all, being creative can add flair to your union. One way you can be creative is through funny bedtime stories for your girlfriend, which you can narrate to your girlfriend via phone or in person.

Short romantic bedtime stories

Sometimes, saying less means more. Though confusing, the phrase implies that shorter words sink in more and are easy to remember. These short bedtime stories for couples below will bring a smile to your girlfriend.

1. New Husband

One day, a woman was getting ready on a bright Sunday morning to go for her favourite weekend activity- Shopping! But her husband was still asleep. She has already woken him up twice, and both times he replied with “5 minutes, baby”. The wife gave the final warning, saying if he didn’t get ready in 10 minutes, she was going alone.

The husband stood up and got ready. They reached the mall, and they hadn’t even visited the stores when he said, “How much longer? Can’t we go home and sleep?”. The wife ignored him and went on to check out mattresses.

He jumped on the first mattress he saw and said, “This is one’s perfect! Let’s take this one. I could fall asleep here.” The wife turned, looked at the salesman, and said, “By any chance, do you have husbands? I guess I need one of that too”. They both laughed, and the husband stood up.

2. Perfect woman

One morning, a boyfriend took a photograph of his girlfriend when she had just woken up.

“Ugh, I look horrible! Why are you taking my picture when I have no make-up on, and my hair is all over the place?” she questioned.

The boyfriend smiled and answered, “I want to show my kids that their mother is beautiful even without make-up and combed hair. She is perfect; the most perfect woman on Earth.”

3. Worthy love

One day, a husband brought home a bouquet of beautiful roses for his wife.

The wife was pleasantly surprised and delighted, but before she could ask what they were for, their daughter piped up, “What are they for, Daddy?”

He smiled and said, “All my colleagues were discussing how tired they were of their marriage. It made me feel so lucky to have your Mommy in my life. She is the most understanding and charming woman in the entire world!”

His wife beamed with joy, and they all came together in a family hug. It was a perfect moment.

4. Girl talk

Two lassies were discussing what dress they should wear for the party that night. One said she would wear brown attire as her husband has brown hair. The other one exclaimed, what should I wear as my husband has no hair? Both of them had a good laugh!

5. The intoxicated boyfriend

One night, a woman had to pick her tipsy lover up from the bar. She was angry with him, but she could do little more than drag him into the car.

The girlfriend somehow dragged him up to their apartment and helped him onto the bed, where she started removing his soiled clothes.

First, his shoes came off and then his shirt, but when she reached the fastener of his pants, he pushed her away, shouting, “Go away, woman! I have a girlfriend I love very much! Don’t you dare touch me!”

The girlfriend found herself chuckling as she changed and went to sleep.

6. Like or love

One day, a girl mustered the courage to tell a boy about her feelings for him.

She told him, “I like you very much. Do you like me too?”

He answered, “No, I don’t like you.”

The girl was sad to hear this reply and slowly turned away. But before she could walk away, the boy caught her hand and said, “I said I don’t like you. It doesn’t mean I don’t love you.”

The girl turned towards him in delight and hugged him.

Cute bedtime stories for your girlfriend

Cute bedtime stories for your girlfriend can be a charming way to end the day. These stories could revolve around adorable characters, heart-warming friendships, or sweet moments that tug at the heartstrings. Here are cute bedtime stories to tell your crush.

1. I like potatoes

A girlfriend felt insecure about her weight, and she thought she looked horrible in specific clothes. She married the man she loved, but a few days after marriage, she stopped wearing dresses and nightdresses and wore baggy t-shirts instead.

Her husband questioned her about the choice of her clothes, to which she tearfully replied, “I look like a potato in those clothes!”

Her husband looked at her, bewildered, and said, “But I like potatoes! What is there not to like about them?”

The compliment brought a smile to her face, and slowly, with her husband’s encouragement, she overcame her insecurities.

2. Invited Bride

A boyfriend asked his girlfriend, “Will you come to my wedding if I invite you?”

The girlfriend was shocked. Of all things, she hadn’t been expecting this. In fact, she had been expecting her boyfriend to propose to her!

She stuttered a weak, “Wha..what? Are you seeing someone else? Have your parents found a match for you?”

The boyfriend laughed and said, “No, my dearest! I want to marry you and was about to invite you to my wedding as a bride. Will you accept the invitation?”

The girlfriend couldn’t believe what she heard and answered with a resounding “YES!” and a kiss.

3. Best of the best

A boy and a girl were deeply in love. The girl once asked the boy, “Do you think I am pretty?”

The boy answered, “No.”

The girl was disappointed with his answer, but she asked the following question anyway, “Do you want to be with me forever?”

The boy said “No” again.

The girl’s eyes filled up with tears. “Will you be sad if I leave you?” she asked.

The boy said, “No.”

The girl decided to walk away. She had just turned when the boy caught her arm and turned her tear-streaked face towards himself.

He said, “You asked if you were pretty, and I said no because you are not just pretty, but you are the most beautiful woman on this planet. You asked me if I wanted you, and I said no because I don’t want you, but I need you like we need oxygen. You asked me if I would be sad if you left me, and I said no because I will no longer be alive when you leave me.”

When she heard these passionate words, the girl smiled through her tears and hugged the boy tightly.

4. Worthy relationship

One day, the husband comes back home from the office with roses for his wife. The daughter chuckles and asks what was so unique that day. The man replies that all of his colleagues complain about ill-treatment from their partners. They are sad about their rude behaviour and dishonesty.

Listening to all this, he felt gratitude for having a loving wife. She is such a caring and dedicated partner. He feels lucky to have a genuine and trustworthy partner who shares his emotions and feelings.

He feels blessed to have enjoyed a blissfully married life with her mother. It’s the most worthy relationship for him as his wife has always made him happy no matter what the situation.

5. Love in difficult times

An old couple were out for a date. The man, Chris, watched his spouse, Wendy, across the table as she carefully picked up her muffin and examined it. He looked at the clothes she was wearing and realized that her pullover was inside out.

He usually made sure things like these didn’t happen, but they seemed to happen more often lately.

Their waitress, Jane, walked towards them, holding a tray of milky, sweet tea (just the way Wendy liked it), a plate of delicious-looking butter cookies, and a wide smile.

“How are you doing today?” she asked brightly. Wendy jerked at the tone. Chris looked warningly at the waitress, who took the hint, quietly placed the tray on the table, and walked away.

Chris offered Wendy the cup of tea, which she took with her hands trembling. When one had dementia, there was no saying how the day would go.

“When are we going to get married?” Wendy asked. Chris sighed. They had been married for the last forty years.

“Soon, my love,” he said, placing his hand over hers. Wendy looked at his hand and then up at him and smiled.

“I love you, you know. You must talk to my father soon,” she said happily.

“I love you too, my dear. I love you, too,” Gerald said.

After they had finished their tea, they walked away slowly, holding hands.

Wrapping up

There are plenty of funny bedtime stories for your girlfriend. These stories range from hilarious anecdotes about clumsy animals in a forest to amusing tales of aliens trying to understand human customs. They have witty dialogues, unexpected plot twists, and characters that are as quirky as they are endearing.

Are you looking for information about the best funny jokes to tell a girl you like? featured an informative piece detailing the best anecdotes to crack up a girl you fancy.

Jokes for girls can make a woman happy for a few hours if not all day. They are ideal conversation starters and can place you in good books with a girl you like. So, which are the best funny jokes to tell a girl?

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funny bedtime stories for your girlfriend
funny bedtime stories for your girlfriend
funny bedtime stories for your girlfriend
funny bedtime stories for your girlfriend
funny bedtime stories for your girlfriend
funny bedtime stories for your girlfriend