Tomato farming in Kenya

Tomato Farming In Kenya: How Much Can You Earn From An Acre?

Tomato farming in Kenya

Kenya has vast arable land. However, climatic conditions and lack of access to economies of scale discourage some to venture into agriculture. But still, small-scale farming is rampant in the rural areas. For commercial farmers, the biggest question has always been what to plant. And tomato is and has always been, a viable option – if done right. Therefore, how can you do tomato farming in Kenya, and how much can you earn from such a venture?

Like most farming activities, the sun and water, on top of other things (fertiliser, insecticides etc.), are essential for tomato growth. But how do you ascertain that your tomato farming makes commercial sense?

How to start tomato farming in Kenya

The commercial benefits of open-field tomato farming in Kenya or in a greenhouse boil down to how. Of course, like every other crop, tomato farming requires the right climatic conditions to grow. Combine this with the right business acumen, and you’ll smile to the bank. But first, the fundamentals.

Ecological requirements

Tomato thrives best in low-medium rainfall with supplementary irrigation during periods of drought. But you don’t want it to be too wet as wet conditions increase disease incidences and affect ripening.

Therefore, as you figure out where to plant, you must remember that water proximity is integral to avoiding additional water pumping costs. The cost would eventually reduce your returns from the venture.

Another integral thing to remember is the previous crop. It would be best if you didn't plant tomato immediately after potatoes or pepper; you must observe a three-month break. Sticking to this practice to mitigate against pests and diseases.

Purchase high-yield tomato species

Even if you are doing small-scale tomato farming, you must settle on a high-yield variant. After all, you want a bumper harvest. The market has numerous varieties, suitable for different climatic conditions, resistant to certain pests and diseases, and much more. Hence, you must consider all these factors to reap the most significant returns from your farm.

Planting and nursery preparation

You must adhere to the standard nursery preparation practices as this is where your planting begins, so you want to ensure everything runs smoothly. It can be lights out here if you play your cards wrong.

Prepare the nursery by raising the soil around 15cm high and leaving spaces for walkways around 30cm or more between beds. Ascertain that the soil has fine particles. Watering at the nursery is best done in the morning and evening, and seeds are expected to sprout in around eight days.


Do transplanting using a garden trowel. You can also apply other modern tomato farming techniques you know to make the process as straightforward as possible. It is better to ascertain that the roots carry a sufficient bag of soil while moving to the field for planting.

Other essential practices

Once you have transplanted your seedlings, it is time to start caring for them to grow healthy and mature. This involves regular irrigation, fertiliser application, weeding and pest control. Ensure that you apply the right fertiliser at the right time and amount.

CAN (Calcium Ammonium Nitrate) is integral for lead development and should be applied immediately after transplanting. Apply urea for two to three weeks or CAN after five weeks. Once the flowering starts, top dress with NKP, and you can repeat this after the first harvest.


Tomatoes should be ready for harvesting from the 70th day onwards, reliant on the variety planted. Of course, if you followed through and applied the appropriate pre-planting, planting and pre-harvest practices.

How much can one earn from one acre of tomatoes in Kenya?

Farmers Trend shows you can make around Ksh.1,000,000 in total revenue from tomato farming in Kenya. But remember, there are production costs that you need to deduct from the sales prices of your produce. After deductions, you arrive at a profit of around Ksh.847,000 per acre. So, what factors are involved in arriving at this profit amount?

Yield of tomato per acre

The average tomato yield in Kenya is approximately 8 to 10 tonnes per acre, which translates to 20 to 25 tonnes per hectare. Some farmers, who are good at it, can achieve up to 20 tonnes per acre. Of course, such yields are achievable via proper farming practices and effective pest disease and control.

Production cost of tomato farming in Kenya

The production cost of tomato farming varies widely and relies on numerous factors, including and not limited to location, availability of labour and inputs, experience and expertise. Therefore, expect to incur around Ksh.25,000 to Ksh.50,000 for land preparation.

Cost of tomatoes seedling per acre

Tomato seeds are the most important in your farming venture. If you source the wrong seeds or the right seeds but are unsuitable for the climatic conditions of your region, you are doomed and will not realise maximum returns. Seedlings can cost you between Ksh.8,000 to Ksh.22,000 per acre.

Fertiliser and pesticide cost

Fertiliser and pesticides are another integral cost that you must incur for your tomatoes to grow well. Expect to spend around Ksh.15,000 to Ksh.30,000 per acre for fertiliser and between Ksh.5,000 to Ksh.25,000 per acre for pesticides.

Labour cost

Labour is essential when farming, especially planting, weeding, and harvesting. Your labour cost can range between Ksh.10,000 to Ksh.40,000 per acre.

Market price

Of course, market price fluctuates reliant on season, location, and quality. The average price of tomatoes ranges between Ksh.30 to Ksh.80 per kilogram. Remember that prices fluctuate during peak season, usually between December to March, and the low season, April to September.

Diseases that affect tomatoes

Knowledge of diseases is one of the most important things when you want to do tomato farming in Narok or any other location in the country. You must know about the diseases to protect your crop against them. And they are:

  • Blossom end rot
  • Bacterial wilt
  • Tomato blight
  • Fusarium wilt
  • Anthracnose fruit rot
  • Early blight
  • Septoria leaf spot

What are the tomato growing areas in Kenya?

In Kenya, tomatoes are mostly grown along rivers in Narok County, Kajiado County, Makueni, Southern Embu, Laikipia and lower Kirinyaga. Interestingly, Kirinyaga County is the largest producer of tomatoes, with an estimated annual production capacity of 63,000 tonnes.

Which is the best month to plant tomatoes in Kenya?

February is the best month to plant tomatoes in Kenya. The period has the right climatic conditions where the crop thrives well (warm season crop).

How much do I need to start tomato farming in Kenya?

The total estimated production cost of tomatoes in Kenya for a small-scale farmer on an acre is Ksh.250,000. Expect to use around Ksh.500,000 for medium scale and Ksh.800,000 for large scale.

How many crates of tomatoes can one-acre produce?

One acre can produce around 3,000 to 4,000 crates of tomatoes. Of course, you must have applied the proper farming practices to enjoy the bountiful harvest.

Tomato farming in Kenya: The bottom line

Tomato farming in Kenya is easy if you follow the proper farming practices and know the prevailing market conditions, including on and off-peak seasons. If you harvest the right amount and sell at the right price, you will enjoy the experience.

Are you interested in farming and looking for ways to increase or maximise your profits? featured an informative article on how to make more returns from your venture.

Farming done right gives good returns. Of course, the opposite is true. So, what are the best practices to choose for the best returns?

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Tomato farming in Kenya
Tomato farming in Kenya
Tomato farming in Kenya
Tomato farming in Kenya
Tomato farming in Kenya
Tomato farming in Kenya