
Khalwale's Punches Land On Sifuna's Brick Wall Of 'Linguistic Gymnastics'


Today I break the rules of the game to start this write-up by wishing Kakamega senator Boni Khalwale a happy birthday as he turns a year older. I do so because it is honourable.

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May this new chapter of life bring more blessings and good tidings to him and his family. As our people say, may he grow younger in body, healthier in physique, and wiser in mind.

Having said that, this article, regrettably, invites the distinguished senator for Kakamega county to reflect on his conduct last week and refrain from repeating the same to maintain the high standard of debate as he has always done.

Heated debate

On Thursday, August 3, the Senate exploded into a hot chamber of verbal tantrums and ‘linguistic gymnastics’ as Khalwale and his Nairobi counterpart Edwin Sifuna dared each other for a physical fight.

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The irritable flashes of anger and indignation began when Sifuna, a first-time lawmaker, threw a few hard-hitting jabs at the majority side for opposing a motion to increase revenue allocation to counties to KSh 407 billion.

Sifuna, in his true element of a rabble-rouser and now a perennial ‘troublemaker’ in the senate, said the majority side, where Khalwale belongs, had no moral authority to complain about county funding when they had squandered the opportunity to lobby for more resources to counties, adding that they would forever be consumed by the flames of guiltiness.

Khalwale who was pensively listening to Sifuna’s uppercut punches thrown at the Kenya Kwanza senators was overcome by anger and rose on a point of order that shifted the trajectory of the debate from a sober engagement to a chaotic session.

Never before had I seen the bullfighter so enraged and infiltrated in public as he was on that day. Blatantly, and without a measure of restrain often exhibited by people of his age, the Kakamega senator swiftly moved from raising the point of order to daring Sifuna, his son by age, for a fight.

"Mr Speaker, I am sick and tired of new senators on the floor of this house giving the impression that we don’t know what we are doing, that we are not up to the task,” said the bullfighter as he seethed with rage.

But Sifuna was not done, he continued to step on the toes of his counterparts with more vicious verbal attacks, rocking the boat further and making the atmosphere more tempestuous.

“22 of my colleagues, who you can see their conscience is gnawing at them, voted against KSh 407 billion, let their conscience eat them until the day I will die but you cannot run away from a vote that you took, no one forced you to vote in that particular manner,” charged the Nairobi senator.

Linguistic gymnastics

Senator Cherargei rose to clarify that even the KSh 385 billion that Sifuna was dispersing was an increment of KSh 15 billion from the previous year. He asked the Speaker to rule the Nairobi senator out of order.

But Sifuna refused to apologise. He had referred to his colleagues “as people” and added that "their conscience is gnawing them”.

According to Speaker Amason Kingi, the words were unparliamentary and needed to be retracted.

The Nairobi senator, however, argued that he had only applied “linguistic gymnastics” and there was nothing wrong with it.

Khalwale returned to the floor, his face flushed crimson with fury, his eyes blazing with wrath like smoldering embers. He told the Speaker that he had had enough of Sifuna's tantrums and requested an opportunity to "fix him" as a bullfighter.

“Mr Speaker I cannot be voted for by 300k people in Kakamega and I came here to be made a figure of the kind of a picture that the senator of Nairobi is painting, unless you want to allow this house to degenerate into a place of fistfights. If you allow me as a bullfighter, I will fix him here and now and it will be sorted out,” said Khalwale.

He was called to order and apologised, but he proceeded to warn that if given a chance outside parliament, he would still fix the Nairobi senator.

“We cannot allow small boys,” he fumed as he took his seat.

This was, in my view, one of the lowest moments in Khalwale’s long history and journey as a debater and lawmaker, not because he dared someone for a fight, but because the person he wanted to fight with is two times younger than him, and hails from the house of mulembe (peace) just like him.

Best debater and orator

There is no doubt the Kakamega senator is one of the best debaters we have in the country. He has risen through the ranks to become one of Kenya's most eloquent and articulate leaders in parliament. He earned the name Mtetezi (defender) thanks to his courage and boldness in speaking truth to power and standing with the people.

Khalwale engraved his name in the hearts and souls of Kenyans when he pushed for the ouster of Amos Kimunya (then finance minister) over the irregular sale of the Grand Regency Hotel priced at KSh 2.9 billion. Khalwale eloquently and ably led the 'Kimunya Must Go' campaign on the floor of the House until the minister, who had vowed to stay put, resigned.

When he served as the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) chair, Khalwale was a thorn in the flesh of the corrupt. He stingingly hit out at cartels and unmasked looters of public coffers with surgical precision. He was the altar and tower of honour and dignity.

He often backed his statements with facts and articulated them so swiftly and coherently that it became difficult to counter him. It was very unlikely that you would debate Khalwale and beat him. In fact, some guests shied away from facing the bullfighter on TV interviews.

He had the ability to cut through the tangled webs of deception and unravel the elaborate schemes of the unscrupulous deals with ease. Each sentence he uttered carried weight. The guilty could squirm at the presence of his shadow.

But things have changed. Khalwale is now too impatient and temperamental to handle a debate where the opponent appears to be more eloquent and a bit bullish.

For the better part of this year, Senator Sifuna has been a thorn in Khalwale’s flesh and has on several occasions pissed him off in public discourse.

Sifuna's time to shine

Sifuna's solid legal background fortified by his excellent mastery of the Queen's Language and the unapologetic, bullish attributes that cut an image of a sharp and all-around politician, has been problematic for Khalwale to handle.

Sifuna has increasingly become fearless and combative. He often throws his verbal punches with the accuracy and fluency of a master archer, hitting the mark with unerring precision and piercing through the densest barriers of intimidation.

He thrives in chaos and hardly completes a single sentence without rattling his opponents and causing discomfort, be it in the Senate or on a TV interview.

It is this strong character and virtuoso that has made it difficult for Khalwale to contain Sifuna as he has done with other politicians and guests he has engaged in a debate.

Perhaps, this explains the reason why the Kakamega senator was so infiltrated on Thursday that he wanted to kick and punch the young Sifuna.

It was not a one-day altercation but rather a series of tackles unleashed from every corner of the political sphere the two leaders have met.

Khalwale should manage his temper, be a good elder and allow Sifuna to enjoy his space and time to shine without interfering or attempting to seize the young senator's political spotlight.

The writer is Masolo Mabonga, a journalist and regular political commentator. The content and views expressed here are his and do not reflect the position of

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Edwin Sifuna
Edwin Sifuna
Chaos in Senate as Boni Khalwale Dares Edwin Sifuna to Fight in Heated Debate: "I Can Fix Him
Chaos in Senate as Boni Khalwale Dares Edwin Sifuna to Fight in Heated Debate: "I Can Fix Him